Monthly Mentoring
A fluid conversation about friction and ease. An honest understanding of not just what hurts, but also what nourishes. Energetically fortified, immensely fulfilling, and deeply simple.
“Christi is so patient and understanding. The moment I met her, I felt like she was intentional and open to listening.”
I am passionate about dropping the practice of pretending to be someone you’re not, whether for others’ convenience or as a long standing bid for internal safety. I love that sweet spot where we can find steadiness in difficulty and comfort in contentment.
Our society relies heavily on convincing us we should be able to self-care our way out of complex and difficult patterns. Here, we use whatever tools I have to create space for you to calm down, be seen and receive support in hearing your heart. I can be your confidant, your guide, your partner-in-personal-growth.
I’m deeply familiar with what it’s like to know something needs to change, but feel completely unsure of what that is or which way to turn. Knowing what the problem is doesn’t always mean you can step outside and see how to navigate within it. I’m here when outside witness and support is called for, to hold powerful space for strong emotions and deep remembering.
I meet clients in transitions. From overt moments of grief and crisis to the subtler ones of confusion and stuck-ness. Together, we work to ease what feels hard, clear what feels stuck, and cool what feels inflamed.
We. Are. In. This. Together.
From energetic awakening to confronting the bullshit you don’t need anymore, I hold you through it as your guide in connecting deeply and opening honestly. This is your formal invitation to feel better.
Monthly Mentoring Package
What it looks like:
We begin work together in a high-contact 3 month engagement.
We meet at least 2x times per month for 90-ish minutes. Some prefer shorter, more frequent sessions, weekly 50 minute sessions.
We enjoy open communication between sessions via email or WhatsApp to anchor what you’re developing in sessions. It can be easy to get caught up in all the day-to-day and forget the great things worked on in session. We make sure that doesn’t happen with text/voice prompts and check-ins from me, as well as a place for you to drop off troubling situations in the moment to get them out of your head, and have someone who will see you, remind you of your tools and celebrate your successes.
What it costs:
My monthly services are offered on a sliding scale based on the following self-selection criteria. Please choose your fee based on your access to resources and ease; listening to your gut. Those who have the ability and feel comfortable paying at the highest level allow me to set aside funds for partial scholarships which are available to those those who would not be able to participate at the normal rates.
If entering into a mentoring partnership feels compelling, but the posted rates would create financial difficulty, please get in touch. Living in Truth is important and necessary work, and I’m wildly open to finding an option that will work if you’re ready to commit.
It is my deepest honor to be able to offer this work to you. I would like to invite you to join me in it. If the time feels right, reach out.